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On My Own

I haven't been keeping up with this very well, but not too much has happened since my last post over a month ago. This week is especially uneventful since Cory is temporarily deployed to Fairbanks, 6 hours away where it's -32 degrees, for wilderness training. I pray I never have to find out what THAT kind of cold feels like! I really hate for him to be gone (especially since Valentine's Day is Friday), but it's only for a week and it's good "practice" for a full 4-6 month deployment which could happen in the near future. I have no idea what I'll do with myself then.

In the meantime, I'm home alone as Debbie is on a trip with her mom and I have the house to myself. I spent some time with a friend earlier this evening (or last night, I should say), but she leaves town today too. It's a little bit lonely being completely on my own this week, but it's kind of nice at the same time. I've been trying to not be a complete bum by sitting around and watching TV the whole time, but being up all night long with no where to go makes that difficult to avoid. Besides the 3 nights that I'll be working, I'll be trying to make the most of this "me" time.

I have been better recently about being active and trying new things. Here's a little bit of what I've been up to.

Cory and I went for a walk in my neighborhood a few weeks ago and I walked on frozen water for the first time! This desert rat is easily amused :)

Here we are an ice sculpture exhibit downtown last month!

I went with Cory to my first military event on base. It was an awards banquet to honor certain individuals for their Air Force accomplishments. It was really casual and we didn't know any of the recipients, but I was honored to be there with my airman!

I started going to a Zumba class a few times a week. I had tried it a few time in Phoenix a few years ago but stopped going when my friends stopped. A coworker here reintroduced me to it. It takes a lot of motivation to do it on my own now, and I'm sure I look even more spastic than I feel while I'm doing it, but it's always fun and it's an intense workout!

It might not seem like a big deal, but I got a library card! I haven't had one since I was probably 8 or so. I've been kicking myself for not reading more since I've been out of school, so picked up where I left off in the Left Behind series almost three years ago on book 5 of 12. I just finished book 6. It's a small victory but a win nonetheless.

I've been attending a young adult fellowship group/Bible study called Vespers at Cornerstone Church since September, and I volunteered to sing for their worship team. I don't know when I'll be starting, but the opportunity is an answer to prayer. I'll also be helping out at a soup kitchen for the first time with Vespers tonight. I'm really looking forward to it!

I caught a glimpse of the northern lights last week!! I was at work when Cory texted me that they were out, so my supervisor let me go outside for a few minutes to see them. They faded in and out and weren't super bright, but it was a definite sighting! Just makes me want to see more!

I signed on to be on an outhouse running team with some coworkers. What is an outhouse run, you ask? Exactly what it sounds like. The team builds an outhouse on skis that they push in a race downtown. I haven't seen our outhouse yet, but there's a practice race this weekend. The real race is Feb. 22nd. It's part of the annual week of events called Fur Rondy (short for rendezvous I think). There will also be dog sledding, a snow-shoe softball game, a parade, theater performances, and running-with-the-reindeer that Cory and I want to try. Could I BE anymore Alaskan?

I was also invited to be on the St. Elias softball team. I haven't played since high school and I was never really great at it, but apparently that's more experience than most of the current team members have. The season starts in May. I'm pretty excited!

I guess life here has been more eventful than I realized. At least it's about to be. There will be lots to report in my next post. Stay tuned!


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