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Showing posts from September, 2015

Making Plans

This post is long overdue. I regret not posting anything since April, but I'll do my best to summarize everything from the past 6 months and what we're expecting next (No, not a baby. Although our family did grow!) Meet our veiled chameleon! Her original name was "Chameron", but after I jokingly called referred to her as a ridiculous cartoon character from Adventure Time, "Melissa" is what stuck. So this is Melissa. I never thought in a million years that I'd own a reptile, but Cory loves them, and now I love her (even though she hates us most of the time lol). Lots of visitors recently, and still more to come! Here's a glimpse of our recent adventures... Joanna in March, Rachel and the Godings in August. Jo got winter/spring, the others got summer/fall :) So much fun yet never enough time! I miss them all dearly! Side note: Somehow, Elouise is already 1 year old! My little nugget! Weddings: I've been to 3 within 4 months! The ...