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Showing posts from 2015

Making Plans

This post is long overdue. I regret not posting anything since April, but I'll do my best to summarize everything from the past 6 months and what we're expecting next (No, not a baby. Although our family did grow!) Meet our veiled chameleon! Her original name was "Chameron", but after I jokingly called referred to her as a ridiculous cartoon character from Adventure Time, "Melissa" is what stuck. So this is Melissa. I never thought in a million years that I'd own a reptile, but Cory loves them, and now I love her (even though she hates us most of the time lol). Lots of visitors recently, and still more to come! Here's a glimpse of our recent adventures... Joanna in March, Rachel and the Godings in August. Jo got winter/spring, the others got summer/fall :) So much fun yet never enough time! I miss them all dearly! Side note: Somehow, Elouise is already 1 year old! My little nugget! Weddings: I've been to 3 within 4 months! The ...

Oh Happy Day :)

I've been an Evans for almost 2 months now, and I must say, marriage really is the greatest :) Sure, we're still in the honeymoon phase and all, but I won't be taking any of this marital bliss for granted!   The wedding day was exactly what I had pictured at The Hearn House - a family-owned historical home in the suburbs of central Phoenix on February 7th. Warm, sunny, green, relaxed, romantic, sentimental, fun...all of that surrounded by so many of the people we love most. Any mishaps that happened were unbeknownst to Cory and me. The team of friends and professionals that constructed the event exceeded our expectations far beyond what could have hoped for. My parents met Ron and Tricia Di Nello when I was a newborn. I can't remember a major family event that they weren't a part of. They have blessed our family abundantly over the years. Cory and I were honored to have them as mentors in preparation for marriage, and Ron officiated the ceremony. We are ...

Bride Mode

It's officially my wedding day!!! It's been quite a while since my last post, so I had planned to write a more detailed blog earlier this week explaining all of the activities and events going on complete with pictures, but as it has turned out, I've been quite busy! Still, I wanted to stop to document at least a snippet of how I've been feeling this week. I expected nerves and anxiety to overwhelm me, but it hasn't happened yet. Cory and I have been blessed with the most gracious team of servant-hearted supporters than we could have asked for. From day one, God has been sending us person after person to take care of every need that we couldn't meet ourselves. After the rehearsal today and incredible dinner that followed (provided by my incredible in-laws!), I couldn't get over how I had no idea what had been going on "behind the scenes," and everything was put together so well! Besides a few rare moments of "HOLY CRAP THIS REALLY HAPPEN...