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Showing posts from August, 2014

Two Brides, A Baby, and All the Works

I’m pleased to say that my 10 day trip really felt like 10 days. They went by too quickly (as always) and I feel like I need more (as always), but it was so eventful!   The main attraction by far was little Miss Elouise Jean Goding who entered the world on August 16 th at 1:18 am, 10 hours before my flight landed in Phoenix. I had just arrived in Las Vegas beforehand for a 4 hour layover when I heard the news. Once again, I have technology to thank for allowing me to be somewhat present for precious family moments. I sat at the gate with my laptop as Mom Skyped me in on her iPad to witness Brynley meeting her baby sister for the first time. I got to see the biggest bright-eyed grin light up her face as she climbed up on the bed next to her momma and eagerly reached for her new sibling. I heard her giggles of excitement, her perfect pronunciation of Ellie’s full name, and her innocent request to her parents: “Can I have another one?” She was oh so gentle as she stroked her “...